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Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone

The psychological benefits of hot stone is that the heat makes us feel nurtured, relaxed, cared for and positive (tick, tick, tick)  The physical benefits are decreased muscle tightness.  The heat has a direct effect on reducing tight muscles.
75 minutes:£70
60 minutes:£60


Head Massage

Holistic Massage

This Massage benefits both mind and body. It is rare that we take an hour to lie down, close our eyes and just 'be'. An hour's peace and quiet away from ringing phones and demanding children has a definite restorative effect!  Holistic means 'whole'  So this form of massage deals with you as a 'whole'. Like other therapies, it is not just looking to treat the symptoms, but to establish the cause, whether it be internal or external.  The aim is to rebalance the body.

75 minutes:£60
60 minutes:£55
Head Massage
Neck Massage
Neck Massage

Deep tissue massage therapy is similar to Swedish massage, but the deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension.

75 minutes:£60
60 minutes:£55

Deep Tissue

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